Marie Curie

Share their name

Tell us who you're remembering

For this year's Day of Reflection we've created a special yellow Marie Curie petal that you can use to share the name of a person you're remembering on the day.

Getting started with your petal

There's no right or wrong way to use the petals, but here are a few suggestions for getting started:

Keep it simple

It could be as simple as writing a name or decorating a petal, though if you want to tell a loved one's story, that's fine too. Tell us who you're remembering this Day of Reflection by writing it on one of our downloadable petals, or order a free printed petal pack.

Create a space

If you're part of a community group, school or workplace that plans to mark the Day of Reflection, you might prefer to curate a bespoke space for the petals to be displayed. We have resources you can download to help you plan and create it.

Share your petal

It's up to you how you share your petal – you might like to display it in the window of your home, school, or workplace, or if you want it to be seen by even more people, why not share a picture or video with us on Instagram or TikTok using #DayOfReflection and tagging @mariecurieuk

If you prefer, you can use the buttons below to create a written tribute post on Facebook, X (Twitter) or LinkedIn.

Tell us who you’ll be remembering this Day of Reflection...

Need to talk about end of life or bereavement? Call Marie Curie’s Support Line today

Marie Curie